We provide a range of services promoting good health and wellbeing for older people in and around the London Borough of Hackney, including:
Lunch club
We provide a welcoming and warm environment for the older person who requires support. Lunches are freshly cooked on the premises each day. Group activities – exercise & movement, arts & crafts, games, music therapy, health talks and outings strengthen friendships, foster healthy lifestyle and fun!
Other services include Advocacy and a Dementia Memory Group.
We are lucky to have a wonderful group of volunteers to assist in delivery of all our services.

Our Memory Group provides social activities and emotional support to older people who are on the cusp of early onset Dementia, diagnosed with Dementia at a low/medium level or those who are experiencing cognitive-impairment.
We aim to raise awareness to reduce stigma surrounding dementia. We build relationships with carers and families so that they have information and some respite.
Dementia Memory Wellbeing
Our Advocacy & Outreach service works to increase older people’s access to quality information, reduce social isolation and loneliness, resolve financial, housing, and social care issues, improve access and take-up of health and social care services.
To complement the Advocacy, we are developing a Befriending service (in person or by telephone calls) to reach isolated older people in need of some companionship and emotional support.

The project supports the transformation of our service provision to ensure that we sustain a caring presence for older people in the community, where they have a “voice”, feel respected and are treated with dignity.
In the designing and delivery of a meaningful and creative programme, we would like local people, groups, schools, community support networks to work with us to build stronger and closer inclusive communities.
Good Neighbours Project
Arts & Culture
These sessions explore many forms of art and culture, such as textile design, music and movement, painting, gardening and creative upcycling and recycling projects. We get involved in the annual Hackney Carnival and also go on day trips to London museums and galleries.
The arts workshops will include dance, textile and printing, stories, up recycling and recycling materials.

Our Windrush Generation celebrations introduced a ‘Commit to Health’ challenge by exploring key health issues affecting the African Caribbean community such as diabetes, hypertension and the increasing number of people living with dementia.
The homely atmosphere at our centre provides the motivation for our members to wake up, dress up and show up, which encourages their peers to do the same.